雅思作文考试中,小作文会出现数据类图表和非数据类图表,在分析数据类图表的时候,学生们的心路历程往往如下:什么!今 天的图表数据竟然这么多,完蛋了———这么多的数据,我究竟写啥?(5分钟过去了。。。)————没时间了,看到啥就写啥吧(于是奋笔疾书。。)
宏观概括 (overview)
主体段1(Topic sentence 1)
主体段2(Topic sentence 2)
主体段3(Topic sentence 3)
主体段的功能实际上是为了宏观概括服务的, 我们需要在主体段进一步解释宏观概括的内容, 也就是为什么这些数据呈现了相似的趋势或者是不同的趋势, 而在每个主体段中,都需要出现一个topic sentence, 然后后面加上数据来支撑这个topic sentence。
C7T1的小作文,讲的是五个国 家的消费者在三个不同类别上的花销情况。
1. 五个国 家的消费者在三个类别中,都把更多的花销花在了food, drinks and tobacco 上了。
2. 相较于在food, drinks and tobacco 上面的花销, 大家花在clothing and footwear 上面的钱少的多的多。
3. 在leisure 和education 上面花的钱都是在三个类别中少的。
于是我们可以把宏观概括以及主体段的topic sentence顺利的书写出来了。
Overall, the pattern of consumer spending on three categories showed similarities in five countries.
Topic sentence 1:
The money spent on food, drinks and tobacco accounted for the largest percentage among three categories in all five countries. To be specific, (数据支撑)
Topic sentence 2:
compared with the large spending on food, drinks and tobacco, there was much less expenditure on clothing and footwear. In more detail (数据支撑)
Topic sentence 3:
Consumers in all five countries spent the least percentage of money on leisure and education among three categories. Specifically, (数据支撑)
Overall, the average carbon dioxide emissions per person showed different trends in four different countries over the period.
Topic sentence 1:
The average carbon dioxide emissions per person showed a downward trend in the United Kingdom and Sweden in these 40 years. In more detail, ……
Topic sentence 2:
By contrast, there was an upward trend in the average carbon dioxide emissions per person in the other two nations during the same period. Specifically, ……