各位会认为肯定句偏多,所以不管是审题还是听题,否定总是很凸显,我们就可以利用这一点来加快我们的解题速度,提高我们的正确率。32.What types of people were included in the research?
A young people in their first job
B men who were working
C women who were unemployed
Q33 Shona says that in her questionnaire her aim wasA to get a wide range of data.B to limit people's responses.C to guide people through interview.1.有负向含义词(组):limit, deny,avoid,hardly,apart from,rather than ...Q34 What do Shona's initial results show about medical services in Britain?A Current concerns are misrepresented by the press.B Financial issues are critical to the government.C Reforms within hospitals have been unsuccessful.2.有否定前缀的词:mis, il, un, dis...Q36 Shona has learned from the research project thatA it is important to plan projects carefully.B people do not like answering questions.C colleagues do not always agree.Q33 Shona says that in her questionnaire her aim wasA to get a wide range of data.B to limit people's responses.C to guide people through interview.With the questionnaire, rather than limiting it to one specific point...Q34 What do Shona's initial results show about medical services in Britain?A Current concerns are misrepresented by the press.B Financial issues are critical to the government.C Reforms within hospitals have been unsuccessful.despite the fact that newspaper continually report that people are unhappy withmedical care, in fact it is mainly the third level of care...Q36 Shona has learned from the research project thatA it is important to plan projects carefully.B people do not like answering questions.C colleagues do not always agree.I had expected some unwillingness to answer questions honestly.我们首先要了解否定的类型,审题相对较简单直观。另外一方面我们要在听题中去捕捉否定,只有两者结合在一起,再利用之前的结论就能很快的判断是非。最后给大家一些参考例题:剑桥8-14/15/36/37/39剑桥10-10/16/34