2017年09月18日 09:34 供稿单位:互联网 责编:宁波新航道
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective? (p.79, C8)
很明显,题目中的观点是提高油价是的方式(Increasing the price of petrol is the best way),而话题则是交通和污染问题( growing traffic and pollution problems)。那么,在考官的范文中,这个话题是如何进行改写的呢?
Introduction: traffic and pollution from vehicles
Body 1: the increase in traffic and pollution
Body 2: the problem of pollution
Body 3: traffic congestion
Conclusion: long-term traffic and pollution reductions
- p.167, C8
我们可以看到,考官在重述题目的话题(rewrite the question topic)时,traffic和pollution这两个单词并没有替换过,而是通过加减词汇(例如traffic改成traffic congestion)或者调整单词顺序(例如pollution problems改成the problem of pollution)的方式进行改写的,因此我们在遇到类似情况时,也可以使用这两种技巧,这样就可以轻松改写题目的话题了。

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
在上述题目中,话题是improve the environment,写作时大家不需要纠结如何改写environment这个单词,可以利用加减词汇和调整单词顺序的技巧进行替换,就会变得容易很多,例如,protect the environment, protect the natural environment, protection of the environment, environmental protection等等。
With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people write letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of letter writing will disappear. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
这个题目的话题是write letters,看似很难改写,但是如果使用上述的方法,我们同样可以较为轻松地想到下面的一些替换表达:the skill of letter writing, the tradition of letter writing, letter writing skills, write/send a letter, handwritten letters, a business / love / thank-you letter等。
Some people believe that a police force carrying guns leads to higher levels of violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
这道题目的Topic是a police force carrying guns,而通过加减词汇和调整单词顺序之后我们可以找到以下的替换:a police force that carries guns, police officers carrying guns, police use of guns, police use of firearms, guns carried by police officers。
所以,在重述Task 2题目的话题时,加减词汇和调整单词顺序总是可以给我们带来意外的惊喜,让你轻轻松松rewrite the topic。