“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:the rules that the whole societies today expect young people to follow and obey are too strict.”
Freedom is perhaps the most universal pursuit for human. We have this hatred of any form of rules that seems almost innate. Some claim that the rules that young people are supposed to observe toady are too strict. However, young and rebellious as I am, I disagree with this, believing that young people now are leading a more liberal life than past generations.
universalpursuit 普遍追求/普遍诉求
hatred 厌恶
innate 天生的
observe 遵守
rebellious 叛逆的
liberal 自由的
比如,在古代中国,年轻人被社会要求孝顺,听话。具体来说,社会的规矩规定儿子/女儿必须接受父母的包办婚姻。再比如,社会的规矩是女孩不能接受教育,不能随意和男性交往。然而,现在的年轻人幸运得多。他们可以自由的选择职业。女生可以成为警察,作家, 飞行员甚至宇航员。他们可以自由的选择和谁交往,和谁结婚。甚至,在某些国家,同性婚姻都是受到法律保护的。在这样一个男人和男人,或者女人和女人都可以结婚的世界里,你说这个世界对年轻人的规矩太严格?
In the first place,generally speaking, the society is largely tolerant towards the youth. This tolerance is extra evident when we recollect the predicament that young people were trapped in in the past. Historically speaking, the restrictions imposed on young people were almost unbearable, which came from convention, family,religion or government. In ancient China, young people were required to be filial and obedient. To put it more precisely, social rules dictated that sons and daughters had to accept prearranged marriage. Another instance is that girls were denied the right to education or freedom to have relationship. In stark contrast, nowadays, young people are far more fortunate. They can choose their career freely. Girls can be policewomen, writers, pilots and evenastronauts. They can freely choose whom to have a relationship with. In somenations or regions, gay marriage is protected by law. In a world where a man can legally marry another man, and a woman another woman, you claim the world is too burdened with rules?
tolerant 容忍的
tolerance 容忍
evident 明显的
recollect 回忆
predicament 困境
historically speaking 从历史上来看
restriction 限制
impose … on …施加
unbearable 难以忍受的
filial 孝顺的
obedient 听话的
to put it more precisely 更准确的说
pre-arranged marriage 包办婚姻
instance 例子
be denied the right to sth. 没有..的权利
in stark contrast 形成鲜明对比的是
be burdened with 受困于;受苦于
Furthermore, many rules are necessary. I do sympathize with those young people who complain that the rules are overly strict. Seemingly, wherever they go, they stumble upon rules.However, harsh though these rules may appear, they are reasonable and thus cannot be regarded as unduly harsh. Young people are forced to receive education. This is because education is exceedingly critical for one’s survival and success and at the same time, young people may fail to recognize the importance of it. They are forbidden from drinking alcohol. The reason for this is that alcohol takes a heavy toll on their body which is yet not fully developed, and that they tend to lack self-discipline and cause severe trouble after drinking wine or beer. In China, they are not allowed to enter the Cyber Café. This law is based on the consideration that cyber café is a place where adult supervision is absent and that the Internet is inundated with improper contents such as violence and pornography, which may give rise to severe psychological and behavioral problems.
sympathizewith 与 …感同身受
overly 过度地
seemingly 从表面上来看
stumble upon 遇见;碰上
be regarded as 被看作是
unduly 过度地
harsh 苛刻的
exceedingly 极端地
fail to do 未能做到
be forbidden from doing 被禁止做
take a heavy toll on 对…有害
lack self-discipline 缺乏自制力
be based on 基于
supervision 监督
absent 缺席的;缺少的
be inundated with 充斥着
give rise to psychological and behavioral problem 导致精神和行为的问题
Tosum up, though in some parts of the world young people suffer from harsh rules,in general, our world is a tolerant and liberal. Therefore, to claim that therules that the society requires the young people to obey are too strict is ungrounded.