1.What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach their children?Explain your
answer by using specific reasons and details.【2016-04-23CN task1】
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The best way for parents to teach their children
about responsibility is to have them care for animals.【2015-07-04CN 独立写作】教会孩子责任感的方式是让他们照顾动物。
3. Many high school students are doing a lot of school work already. Some people believe that students
should help their parents with household chores, since it’s the best way to give them a sense of
responsibility.【2013-09-13NA 独立写作】很多高中已经给学生布置了很多作业了。有些人认为学生应该帮家长做家务,因为这是培养他们责任感的方式。
4.Some people think that older children should take the responsibility to take care of their brothers and
sisters, while others think that parents should do the whole work. Which do you prefer and
why?【2015-12-13CN 独立写作】有人认为让应该年长的孩子承担起照顾他们的弟弟妹妹的责任,而另一些人则认为应该让父母来做这件事。
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents should allow children to make mistakes
and let them learn from their own mistakes.【2012-02-11NA 独立写作】家长应该允许孩子犯错并从自己的错误中学习。——对自己的错误负责
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents should allow children to make their own
choices rather than determine their children’s future for them.【2013-07-20CN
7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should set strict rules to their children
if they want them to succeed in the future.【2014-05-25CN
Parents Make the Difference!
——内容来自Washington Early Childhood Center & Northside Primary
It will take your child years to fully develop a sense of responsibility and to follow through on
everything he needs to take care of. But this is a lesson he can begin to learn now.
As a parent you are your child's first and most important teacher of responsibility. To build
responsibility, remember to:
1. Let your child do as much as he can on his own. 不如就从训练孩子自己穿衣&做一些简单家务开始~
2. Understand that none of his chores will be done perfectly! 错误和不完美都是很正常的啊~
3. Resist "rescuing" your child by seooping down to do it yourself. Instead, give your child
gentle suggestions.还记得孩子摔碎牛奶瓶,麻麻没有责怪他而是教他怎么拿瓶子的故事吗~
4.Try not to introduce new responsibilities on a deadline.给孩子时间完成任务~
5. Let your child make mistakes.正所谓“吃一堑长一智”,每个人在成功前都会犯很多错练习很多遍的~
6. Let your child face consequences when he fails to complete responsibilities.家长的未雨绸缪不如让孩子面对可能发生的不好结果!