各位亲爱的同学们,转眼间3月份就过去了,大家是不是还在迎战托福的路上努力拼搏哈?今天给大家带来过去的3月份托福口语真考考情分析,希望给正在备考的你一些有用的建议。 目前2021年全年ETS准备在中国大陆举行64场托福考试,其中在3月份进行了7场考试,分别是:3月6日、3月10日、3月13日、3月14日、3月21日、3月24日和3月27日这7场,考试频率还是比较高的。
Task1独立口语 3.6 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is difficult for people today to save money than their grandparents when they were young? 3.10 If some students have not received enough credits because they failed previous exams, they should be given an additional assignment by their professor to make up credits. Do you agree or disagree? 3.13 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that children should not be allowed to use electronic devices by their parents because it is not good for their social development. 3.14 Do you agree od disagree with this students should be encouraged to have discussions in class. 3.21 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement ? instead of requiring elementary school students to do experiments themselves, school should only allow them to watch experiments demonstrated by their teachers. 3.24 Due to financial problems, your university has to drop one club. Which club do you think it should be,the math club or the skiing club? 3.27 Your university is planning to film all large lecture classes and put them on the university website. Do you agree or disagree with this plan and why? 这几题独立话题没有出现难题、怪题。都属于常见考题。 其中3月6号考题重复2017年12月10号真考题:Is it harder to save money than it was in the past. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 此题是典型的金钱类/理财类话题,可以联系到的素材:多样的消费方式例如线上购物、线下超市商场购物等增加了人们的支出和消费;通货膨胀(currency inflation)使钱的价值在降低等、社会商品种类的增多人们消费的欲望等。 后面几次考试的独立真题基本上涉及到常见的教育公平性、课堂讨论、学习效率、运动健身等素材回答。比如3.13号真题我们可以联系到电子产品使用过度会使孩子沉溺于电子产品而不愿进行社交,然后可以进行个人经历或举例子。 所以需要各位同学对于这些常见话题素材进行熟悉和运用。 Task2校园话题: 主要考到了 课堂笔记class note、考试时间安排exam schedule、课程项目mentor program、音乐会指导concert directing 等话题,都是常规话题,需要大家在平时练习的时候注意校园话题对于常见的学校规定、课程考试安排、设备更新等话题和场景词汇熟悉、而且需要注意练习时阅读听力部分的时间分配和限制。 Task3 学术话题一 3月份学术话题考题还是重点考到商业营销学、生物学、心理学为主的考题。比如3.6/3.21/3.27 都考到了商业营销学、3.14 是商业学和心理学的结合考察、3.10、3.13、3.24考到了生物学。 例如3.6考题是这样的: 阅读:有故事的广告更有说服力 听力:模拟运动鞋广告,一组是直接推销鞋的优点;另一组是放了一个故事性的广告。结果是第二组更能吸引人,让人产生对产品的兴趣。 所以给各位同学的备考建议是接下来注意对TPO学术话题Task3进行分类,其中社会心理学、商业营销学、生物学这三大类是历年考察的重点,各位同学可以按照分类练习。当然可以进行预先的对于三大学科常见场景和学科词汇总结这样会更有力学听力lecture的听懂。 Task4 学术话题二 对于最后一题直接听lecture然后paraphrase的话题各位同学应该重点抓住线索,上过课的同学都知道最后一题的结构会比较固定,各位同学需要根据相对固定的听力结构去进行线索的锁定和重点的记录。 3月份的考题主要集中在 environmental science 、business、 biology、psychology等话题的考察,主要还是biology、business这两大话题的考察,2020年这两大话题的考察占比达到87% 所以接下里同学们备考的重点还是生物学和商业学的lecture练习,注意学科词汇和背景知识的积累会有助于快速听懂lecture。 另外,各位同学需要对于TPO综合话题进行刷题,因为ETS会不定时的进行重复考察。例如3.6的Task4考题是这样的: 话题:修dams的两个坏处 坏处一:影响一些生物的life cycle 坏处二:会减少一些动物的栖息地 乍一看这不就是和我们TPO32Task4学术话题高度相似吗?所以大家平时注意TPO的有效练习。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The ability of adapting to new environment is more important than excellent knowledge for job.
Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Parents spend too much time trying to help determine the future of their children; children should be allowed to make their own choices.
如果自己做决定,孩子需要对将要做的事情有了解。因此,他会一个明确的规划。For example, 一个孩子决定学一门才艺,他需要了解有哪些课程内容可以选,然后根据自己的兴趣选择其中一项。接下来他会搜索相关的信息包括教授的老师、要准备的东西、这门课的价格等等。在这个过程中,孩子完全是自己接触所有的信息,因此可以更独立。如果是父母帮助做决定,整个计划中孩子都是坐享其成的,不需要考虑什么事情。如果长此以往,孩子会养成什么事都找家长的坏习惯。当他进入社会,没有人可以时时刻刻帮他的时候,他的工作和生活都会一团糟。
虽然孩子在很多事情上都会受到家长的影响,但是因为年代不同、教育背景不同、生活经历不同,所以孩子们产生的想法跟父母也是不一样的。因此,父母做出的决定并不能百分百符合孩子的偏好。Take buying clothes as an instance. 父母因为自己的年龄或者传统观念,在款式和颜色上跟孩子的想法有差异。他们一般认为过年应该穿红色,显得喜庆,但下一代并没有这样的固定认知。在其它方面的决定上也是一样的,所以如果跟自己相关的一些决定是他人做出的,哪怕他们是父母,孩子也可能会后悔。
Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past.
Nowadays, it is said that government should give financial support to people. However, people often argue about which group the government should give support. Which of the following groups do you think is the most important for the government to support?
1 older people who no longer work (eg. those who are more than 70 years old)
2 young families with small children
3 workers who have recently lost their jobs
具体思路如下:三选一:A, B, C中选择A
首先,年轻家庭更需要政府的财政支持。(因果论证+举例论证) Young parents一般来说还没有工作很久,所以收入和存款都不多,而raise children又非常费钱,比如奶粉、医疗、幼儿园等等,所以需要政府给一些financial support,这样不但可以保证社会有更多的健康幸福的家庭,还可以鼓励更多人生育,毕竟,资金上的后顾之忧是导致年轻人丁克的主要原因之一(not only倒装句)。 In contrast,老年人和失业者并不是the most important group to be supported by government. (因果论证+并列论证) For one thing, 老年人退休的时候已经有了一定的deposit,而且他们还有退休金pension,所以他们可以养活自己。For another, 如果不是经济危机时期during economic crisis,多数情况下,人们失去工作要么是因为自己懒惰,要么是能力不够,无法达到公司的要求,所以他们应该努力去自己而不是wait for their nation to raise them. 另外,这是一道新题,但是“谁更需要政府的资金支持”这个大背景却出现得非常频繁,比如: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for government to spend money building art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities such as swimming pool and playgrounds. (考试日期:2011.04.09/ 2013.04.20/ 2015.10.28) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For successful development of a country, a government should focus its budget more onvery young children education rather than on universities. (考试日期:2011.08.21/ 2012.08.17) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money in building new houses than preserving the historic or traditional buildings and homes. (考试日期:2011.12.18/ 2020.12.11) Do you agree or disagree with the statement? The government should give more money in support of arts than that of athletics such as state-sponsored Olympic teams. (考试日期:2013.12.07) Do you agree or disagree with the statement? The Internet is as important as other services such as building roads, so government should make the Internet access to all the citizens at no cost. (考试日期:2015.04.12/ 2015.12.05/ 2016.09.10) 还有四个单一选项: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for government to provide money for things that are beautiful not just for things that are practical. (考试日期:2012.07.15/ 2014.05.24) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should spend money on scientific research even if it has no practical value? (考试日期:2013.05.18) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a waste of money for government to fund space travel or space exploration. (考试日期:2018.12.07) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University education should be free for students and financed by the government tax. (考试日期:2020.09.13) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should not provide financial support for artists (like painters, writers, musicians …). Instead, they should let artists support themselves. (考试日期:2021.01.09) 以及三题“反例”(不是spend money,而是reduce money) In times of economy crisis, which area should government reduce the spending? 1. education 2. health care 3. support for the unemployed (考试日期:2013.02.02 NA) In times of economic crisis, local government often reduce the money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on? 1.Libraries 2.Public transportation 3.Police (考试日期:2014.01.18) In times of economic crisis, which one or which ones do you think the government should spend less money on? 1. arts 2. scientific research 3. parks and public gardens. (考试日期:2016.01.24)
3月21日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life. (重复2011.08.28/ 2013.09.01/ 2016.05.28旧题) 这是一道词类的题目,题目中的讨论对象A会有一个词来限定,比如A is the best/ the most important/ only/ always/ never/ too等等,所以最简单的方法就是直接举反例:B, C, D;如果想要同意题目中的立场,就可以弱化题目中的词(比如只要证明A好在哪里就可以,不需要证明它是的)。 参考思路(disagree): 首先,科幻电影也值得看。科幻电影经常以未来或者外太空为题材,这两者都是大多数人“身不能至,心向往之”的领域,科幻电影刚好满足了他们的愿望。 其次,动画片也值得看。轻松愉快的情节,善恶有报的结局→让人们暂时逃离残酷的现实,进入一个可以寄托心灵的世界。 3月24日加场 In many places, student aged 12-18 are typically taught different subjects by different teachers, while younger students are usually taught by only one teacher all day long. Some it would also benefit younger students to be taught by several different teacher everyday. (重复2017.07.15旧题) 参考思路(agree): 首先,老师能够有更高的效率教学生。(双因果论证) We can attribute this mainly to two reasons./ Two factors are at play. To illustrate, 每个老师擅长的东西不一样,所以如果让他们负责一个学生的所有科目,老师就不能程度地发挥自己的价值。In contrast, 如果挑选每门学科最的老师教学生,学生就可以对多门课程都掌握得很好。In addition, 老师的精力是有限的,如果让一个老师一整天都负责某个学生,老师会觉得很累,尤其是当他管理的学生比较调皮的时候。Needless to say, 老师累了的话,放在学生身上的专注度就下降了。 其次,学生taught by different teachers能够学得更好。(并列论证) For one thing,学生学习会有懈怠期,如果他一直都是面对着同一个老师,他们会丧失新鲜感,特别是当学生和老师气场不和的时候,双方都会感到痛苦。不同的老师能够给学生带来不同的体验,such as不一样的教学方式,作业类型甚至性格差异。For another,不同的老师可以从不同角度观察学生(固定搭配),从而看到学生的问题并帮助解决。As a result, 学生就可以成为更的人才。 3月27日 Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)? 1.being helpful 2.being honest 3.being well organized (重复2017.05.13/ 2017.05.27/ 2019.07.07旧题) 3月的最后一场考试也是老题,而且是重复考了好多次的题目
首先,being honest在一个人的一生中都是很重要的。(因果论证+并列论证)
如果孩子是一个诚实的人,不但同学们更愿意和他交朋友,老师也会觉得这个孩子有的品质从而更加乐于传授知识给他倒装句(学习)。Besides,如果小孩一直保持着honest,在他工作之后也依旧会有这样的品质,那么老板就会知道他是值得信赖的,所以会把一些重要的任务交给他。在他完成之后就能够升职加薪。In addition, 和他们公司有业务往来的客户会更愿意和他们进行合作。(工作)
其次,对于5-10岁的小孩来说,教会他们being helpful和being organized并不是一个合适的时机。(双因果论证+并列论证)
We can attribute this mainly to two reasons./ Two factors are at play. 他们年纪太小了,还不具备帮助别人的能力,Typically,帮助他人需要一定的财力或者的知识,或者只是单纯的一些体力劳动。However,一个5-10岁的小学生这几个方面都是缺乏的。Furthermore, 这么小的孩子缺乏来自生活中根据经验积累的辨别能力和自我保护的能力,如果他们去帮助别人,很有可能自己会受到伤害。For example, (举一个例子:碰瓷)As for being organized, 小孩子处于一个最有创造力的年纪,如果一味地要求他们把事情安排得井井有条,反而会扼杀他们的creativity。