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本文托福口语模板-Describe your favorite room为宁波托福培训宁波新航道整理。希望对大家备考托福能有所帮助。
托福口语需要在平时的练习中慢慢,新航道小编整理托福口语模板-Describe your favorite room ,供大家参考。
托福口语题目:Describe your favorite room either of your own house or in other places and explain why.
Well, I’m gonna talk about my study room.Firstly, there are all kinds of books in this room and the atmosphere makes me feel like to study. There are a few tablets on the wall with famous sayings which have inspired and stimulated me a lot. The interesting books make me preoccupied with them and I have learned a lot of knowledge from them.Secondly, it’s very quiet and helps me relax. When I am tired after a long time of study, I usually open all the windows and listen the birds singing and smell the pleasant scent of the flowers. Looking far into the sky, watching the clouds moving slowly, all these just seem to be fascinating.
课程名称 | 课时 | 学费 | 具体信息 |
雅思起步冲6分班 | 77次 | / | 报名 |
雅思预备冲6分班 | 56次 | / | 报名 |
雅思入门冲6分班 | 34次 | / | 报名 |
雅思精品冲6分班 | 24次 | / | 报名 |
雅思起步冲6.5分班 | 97次 | / | 报名 |
雅思预备冲6.5分班 | 76次 | / | 报名 |
雅思强化冲6.5分班 | 24次 | / | 报名 |
雅思精品冲6.5分班 | 44次 | / | 报名 |
雅思入门冲6.5分班 | 54次 | / | 报名 |

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