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athlete 运动员
referee 裁判
volunteer 志愿者
ceremony 开幕式
closing ceremony 闭幕式
medal presentation 颁奖仪式
stadium 体育场
Olympic Village 奥运村
Olympic record 奥运会纪录
hold the record 保持纪录
break a/the record 打破纪录
stimulant 兴奋剂
田径 track and field
运动 professional sport
业余运动 amateur sport
全能选手 all-round athlete
体育设施 sports facility
令人难忘的比赛 memorable/unforgettablematch
赢得比赛 win a match
打破世界纪录 break the world record
创造世界新纪录 set a new world record
What’s your favouriteevent in the Olympics? 你最喜欢的奥运项目是什么?
A: I’m so looking forward to the Olympics.It’s going to be a great event.
B: Me too. I can’t wait for them to start.It’s so exciting.
A: There will be so many things to see.
B: I know. What’s your favourite event in theOlympics?
A: My favourite event? I don’t know – I likeso many different things!
B: I suppose so. There are so many differentsports and events.
Zhang Jike beat compatriot Wang Hao 4-1 in anall-Chinese men's singles table tennis final.
The 24-year-old won 18-16 11-5 11-6 10-1213-11 as Wang suffered a third successive defeat in an Olympic final.
现年24岁的张继科以18-16 11-5 11-6 10-12 13-11的五局比分击败王皓。王皓已经连续三届奥运会获得乒乓球男子单打的亚军。
Zhang dominated as China took their secondtable tennis gold at London 2012 after Li Xiaoxia's win over team-mate DingNing in the women's final.
World champions Germany were crowned Olympicwomen's team [w]sprint[/w] gold winners in [w]controversial[/w] circumstancesfollowing the [w]relegation[/w] of China.
Guo Shuang and Gong Jinjie thought they hadwon gold when they finished in a time of 32.619 seconds compared to Germany's32.798.
But officials announced that China had beenrelegated for an overtake [w]infringement[/w], with Kristina Vogel and MiriamWelte awarded gold.
Ranomi Kromowidjojo claimed her first goldmedal at London 2012 with victory in the women's 100m freestyle.
The Dutch swimmer clocked an Olympic record of53.00 seconds to finish ahead of Aliaksandra Herasimenia of Belarus, whileChina's Tang Yi won bronze.
China's NBA star Yi Jianlian suffered a kneeinjury during an 81-61 defeat to Australia in the men's basketball.
The Dallas Mavericks player had to be helpedoff the court by team-mates as China slumped to their third defeat.
Organizers say sports facilities are 98%complete overall with only the velodrome running late. In a recent pressrelease, the IOC said 70% of Rio residents were in favor of hosting themega-event, showing that "local citizens see the Games as a positiveelement in the development of their city and country."Despite theencouraging progress of preparations, the IOC"s coordination commissionwarned that the most testing part of Rio"s Olympic build-up was yet tocome.
里约奥林匹克公司透露,里约热内卢奥林匹克公园设施几乎已经准备好了,目前工程建设工作的98%已经完成,里约市政府已将工作重心转向奥运会期间城市运作上。然而,当地时间4月21日上午,里约热内卢一座新落成的自行车专用道桥面发生垮塌。事故已造成两人死亡, 这让人们对场馆质量感到担忧。国际奥委会IOC表示,里约将迎来最后也是的一个考验,即各场馆的测试阶段。
为此,巴西体育大臣 Ricardo Leyser在接受法新社专访时,给出了官方的解释:
AFP:What"s left todo?
Ricardo Leyser: We need (operational)integration of the stadiums. There"s the security operation, transport, avery complex TV operation -- all this is happening at the same time and what weneed to do now is coordinate every detail.
2. 瓜纳巴拉湾的污染治理得怎样了?
Earlier this month IOC chief Thomas Bachguaranteed the Games would be safe for sailing events despite concerns aboutwater quality in Rio"s Guanabara Bay.Concerns have also been raised aboutwater quality at the Rodrigo de Freitas lake, which will host rowing andcanoeing events. The government said a cleanup operation of the lake hadensured it will meet international standards for the events.
为此,巴西体育大臣 Ricardo Leyser在接受法新社专访时,给出了官方的解释:
AFP:The Bay of Guanabarawhere the sailing and windsurfing events will take place remains terriblypolluted. Can you say that"s ready?
Ricardo Leyser: This was a great, but lostopportunity (to clean the bay). The Rio state government failed to meet itsgoal. We"re at about 50 percent on treatment (of raw sewage entering thebay) and we"d hoped for 80 percent. But a lot of work was done to raise itfrom 10 percent and that means it"s still a significant result.
3. 是否会有恐袭威胁?
The government has said it will deploy some38,000 armed forces during the Games, backed up by 48,000 police and firefighters.The security operation is about twice the size of that used for the LondonGames in 2012. Late last year the government announced it was liaising withinternational intelligence agencies to quell the threat of terrorist attacksduring the Games.
4. 政经危机是否造成影响?
The screenshot shows the main page ofBrazilian President Dilma Rousseff"s Weibo account.
Sports Minister Ricardo Leyser:“From the pointof view of preparing the Games, the crisis has no effect at all. The mainexpenses have been met and now we are starting to deal with thousands ofsmaller issues.Our planning and execution plan was truly very good.... Wedon"t need to take a single strategic decision now, so no, there is nosignificant impact and that puts me at ease.”
巴西去年经济萎缩3.8%,是1990年以来的最差。另外,巴西总统罗塞夫正面临着弹劾危机,8月5日,谁将以国家元首的身份宣布里约奥运会开幕仍是一个谜。体育大臣Ricardo Leyser却表示: 对于奥运的准备来看,目前的政治危机根本不会对其造成影响。我们对奥运最主要的投入已经完成,目前正解决余下的细节问题。我们对奥运会的筹备工作真的很棒,因此我们不会因为一次政治决策而受到什么大的影响。
As the most important event for the humanrace, the significance of the Olympic games has extended from a traditionalglobal sports extravaganza to a celebration of diversified cultures and aceremony in the hope of peace. The Olympics is undoubtedly an idealinternational proving ground for athletes. It gives them the opportunity tocompete against athletes of similar abilities on an international stage. Thisgives them the opportunity to compare themselves against each other and todetermine how good they are internationally. The sportsmanship shown by thismagnificent event inspires those who are pursuing their dreams. Although a goldmedal is what all participants strive for, it is more crucial to realize thatthe most valuable fortune in life is not any triumph but the struggle. As theOlympic symbol demonstrates, the strength of cooperation, combined with thesignificance of every nation’s participation, is far greater than winning acompetition.
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